2017-09-27: takkolord - trumpeltier
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once upon a time there was a big country of almost unlimited possibilities where everybody liked each other and was proud on freedom, openness and candour. once upon a time there was a small trumpeltier with a strange face and pursed lips. it spoke in simple words and all people in the big country liked that. and so, they chose the trumpeltier as their leader. but the trumpeltier was full of stubbornness and obstinacy – and it was also a little afraid of people looking and speaking differently. it was also not alone and there were many like-minded people in other countries, big and small ones, poor and rich ones. and all these trumpeltiers built walls and fences and they sparked envy and ill will in their countries. once upon a time there were three small electro-punks who called themselves takkolord and who did not like that at all. they wanted everybody to like each other, no matter where people come from, which language they speak and whether they are rich or poor. and the three of them remembered their childhood when they had danced to the song of the bi-ba-butzemann, and then they had to think of the trumpeltier in the big country. so, they decided to dedicate a little song to all the trumpeltiers in the world. they transferred major to minor, they wrote new lyrics and they introduced their work to their friends on september 27th, 2017.


norman kolodziej

takkoloud studio offenbach